Poetic Introduction
Your face I see a thousand times
Your Essence inspires a thousand rhymes
Having and holding a memory near
Wish that you were still here
Blessed to have been on the same timeline
Built and bred by God's own design
If only the times could have forever last
But now you are a thing that only exist in the past
Words unspoken with so many things undone
And still, we filled this life with worlds of fun
So many messages written in code
Once deciphered, I'll be meeting you at the crossroad
We all think we have eons of time, but the truth is time is limited to us all. Spending meaningful moments, doing things with the people that matter most is essential. Fulfilling your life’s purpose by getting to your greater self, digging deep enough to ignite change. Change. The thing that we can’t control. Life changes us, be we control whether that change is positive or negative. Life is beautiful but can be filled with misery. Although temporary at times, we stay in misery’s company much longer than we must
Revealing that misery does indeed love company.
Choose to be in the company with love and with purpose. In this company, you can ultimately sustain the one thing we are all in pursuit of… happiness.
Happiness is yours to hold
There will be many days that a crossroad will present itself. Choices are always needed to be made.
Know three things :
No choice... is still a choice
There is no wrong choice
Your choices make up your life’s experience
Even if you don’t choose life will choose for you, leaving you to feel a loss of control.
There is no wrong choice; there are only two outcomes. One is that you learn from your choice and never make that choice again. The other is that you embrace that the choice you made is what’s best for your life path.
After all is said and done, your choices become your reality, your life’s story.
Choose Wisely.
Happiness is your decision… or indecision
Choose Happiness
Will you cross that road?
You will come to a path, one leading to the new day and the other leading down the same path as before. Will you walk in those same shoes or will you restore your soul (sole) by choosing a newness that can lead to your salvation?
The choice is inevitably your fate …
Hope to meet you at the crossroads
Peace and Love